Sunday, April 12, 2009


When should we start this errr... topic with our kids? It encompasses many phases and where or which one should we start first? And who should lead this - the daddy or the mummy? :)

I think I started the very basic sex education when i was pregnant with my 2nd son. I brought Joe, the 'ta ke' with me to one of my monthly check ups - but i doubt he understood what he saw on the ultra sound screen. I also read to him about The New Baby, one of the stories in First Experience by Usborne.

The true sex educaton started when I was pregnant with my daugther. At that time, Joe was 5+ and 2nd son Sern was only 2.5 years old. I read to them how babies are made. This one talks about sperms and egg! Where sperms and egg are from and how the sperms race to touch the egg and bingo - the join of the nature that later develops to be a BABY!!!!! Also I read to them about the The New Baby by Osborne where I changed the characters of the stories to reflect our own experience. The boys loved it and Joe fully understood the initial stage of the reproductive system e.g. baby stays in mummy's tummy for 9 months - he asked why 9 months, why so long?

And when the 'mei mei' is born - my boys at that time aged 6 and 3+ asked how come 'mei mei' no 'ku ku bird'?? I told them because she is a GIRL - I guessed at that point they really realised the distinct difference between BOY and GIRL. And few months later - I discovered this book -

I said this is a wonderful book - it first tells the difference in a girl and boy by names, behaviours, toys boy and girl play, the type of hairs each gender should or usually has, how each gender uses the toilet. Also talk about touching and it mentions the issue of RESPECT and how people should and should not touch you. the book is illustrated by funny comics and simple words - very easy to get kids attention. However I haven't reached the part about Masturbation (err.. I think I will get the daddy to explain to the boys what this is and how boys and men do this :p) and where baby is really coming from - i think i will leave this until my eldest is about 8 or 9.

And lately daddy and I came across stories like 13 years old boy became a father and 15 years old girl going thru her dreadful live after aborting her first child due to negligence in sex relationship. SEX EDUCATION is really important. I told daddy he will have to tell his sons (and of course I will tell my daugther) the consequences of having irresponsible sex relationship at young age or any age. SEX is not just pleasure but SEX is a responsible act and I guess must explain the fundamental of people having sex. Gosh... i hope i will be able to deliver this topic to my kids effectively!!

My colleague's son of 9 yr old came back from school one day and asked, "Mummy, what is this 'F' word?". I know it will be my turn soon.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Super Tank - Creation of the 6-Yr Old

A power Super Tank - created by Mr. Wing Joe Chim!

Monday, July 7, 2008

A Letter to Daddy from A 6-Yr Old

Decided to post this because it is just so funny to read the letter and the letter also demostrates the true feeling of a 6 yr old. Daddy and Mummy simply understood the letter although it has lots of spelling and grammer mistakes. We laughed after reading it.

It is great that in a way the son is not hiding any feeling to the daddy and very open in expressing himself - I think it is very important for a 2-way communication between children and their parents. This is definitely lacking during our growing up years - the older generation just cannot accept their children to 'talk back'.

Dad, I don't like you anymore Dad because you don't play with me anymore. I don't want to be your best friend. Letter from Wing Joe to Dad Dad.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Usborne Young Reading Series One: The Dinosaurs Next Door

A very fun and cute book - definitely will get the attention of young children, what more, dinosaurs are every child's (at least for boys) fantasy!

ISBN: 0 7460 4854 8
Author: Harriet Castor
Publisher: Usborne Publishing Ltd
Price: RM13.90 (from MPH)

The eccentric Mr. Puff lives next door to Sam in a house full of interesting things. Best of all is teh basket of giant dinosaur eggs - until they begin to hatch. The trouble with dinosaurs is that they grow... and grow. Something needs to be done, and fast!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Cut and Paste 'Flowers in the Garden'

A very simple craft which can easily occupy your toddler (suitable for aged from 2.5 to 4) at least 30-45 minutes.

Get ready some colour papers and and unwanted piece of corrugated cardboard.

Ask your child to draw some big and small circles. Small circles for the petals while big circles act as bases of flowers.

Ask your child to cut out the circles (may not come out as round as it should be but it's fine). And some triangles (as leaves).

You can help to cut some stems and the grass.

Get your child to paste all the pieces together to form what it is shown in the picture.

Later, you can draw some insects as requested by your child (my son asked me to draw a mouse at the left corner - not sure why. You also will notice a ladybird and a butterfly). Get your child to colour the insects.

My son of 6 years old did not seem to be keen in doing this craft - he said it was very girlish. However, my 3.5 year old son enjoyed doing it. Therefore, I have suggested this craft probably suitable for both boys and girls not more than 4.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

From Head to Toe

Can you wave your arms like a monkey, clap your hands like a seal or stomp like an elephant?
Yes, you can! Move yourself From Head to Toe.

This is a fun book for toddlers aged 2 to 4. You can do some exercise with your children and act silly.

ISBN: 0140563784
Publisher: Puffin
Auther: Eric Carle

Arch your back like a cat! Kick your leg like a donkey!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Megatron by a 3.5 year-old

Seeing the 'ko ko' drawing Optimus Prime, my 3.5 yr old son also took a pencil and started scribbling on the paper. He said it is a Megatron holding 2 swords. Where are the swords? :) They are the black and brown scribble on both sides of the paper. The drawing was actually pretty nice with the face with eyes and mouth until he scribbled again on the face with black colour. errr.. I m not sure if this is a good pcs of drawing but I am proud of him being so imaginative. I am sure he will get better in the years to come - just like the brother. :)